You’ve probably seen the fresh new look around town with the ITM brand.
The green and yellow colour scheme has been replaced with a striking black and yellow palette. We have designed a fresh, modern, contemporary look without losing our core identity. The new colour combination gives ITM a unique look in the market. Like all good things, this is taking time to implement over our stores and delivery fleet. Check out the new look underway for Havelock ITM!
- Replacing the green in the ITM logo with black
- New look for exteriors and interiors, vehicles, marketing and collateral with common design cues that tie everything together
Our reasons for this change:
- The changes have been member driven to refresh of the branding, to have a more modern, contemporary look.
- We have had positive feedback with the logo developed for the ITM400, that this formed a key foundation for our change.
- Black is an easier colour to work with for branding (Green and yellow can make us look like Australian supporters!).
- The new colour combination gives ITM a unique look in the market
- It’s been more than 10 years since we updated our look.
- Store changes will take place over the next 12 months with Nelson due to be painted next month.
More information on Nelson, Motueka, Takaka, Havelock and Greymouth ITM’s >>> click here.