The Building Supplies SPECIALISTS Top of South
The Building Supplies SPECIALISTS Top of South

Knowledge Builder

The most important thing we can give to our customers – is industry knowledge and expertise. This page of our web site is a collection of knowledge articles and reference to other web sites which we have found helpful in planning or completing a building project.

While we try to ensure all links and information remain available from this site some information provided is by 3rd party and may change from what was available to share with our visitors.

MANROSE Ventilation, Ducting and Accessories

MANROSE Ventilation, Ducting and Accessories

Our ITM stores now have available MANROSE products and accessories. The leading bathroom extraction & heating range including LED lighting and all-in-one Heat/Fan/Light units.


NZ Chambers of Commerce

NZ Chambers of Commerce

Doing business in Nelson Tasman belonging to the Chamber expands your network, builds relationships, grows your business and strengthens the positive voice for business in the region. Our ITM business is a member of the local Chamber and welcomes your contact to discuss business ideas in our area.

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Timber Decking Installation Guidelines

Timber Decking Installation Guidelines

Adequate ventilation of the deck is essential for long term stability. Allowing air to freely circulate around the deck will reduce the moisture differential between the top and underneath of the boards, minimising the likelihood of cupping and distortion following installation. To achieve proper ventilation the deck should have at least 450mm clearance from the ground.

Please click here to read the detailed Installation Guide

Please click here to view a simple guide to Radiata Decking Grades

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Tasman Council preconsent checklist

Tasman Council preconsent checklist

Tasman District Council require all building consent applications to be accompanied by a pre-lodegment checklist to ensure all relevant material is provided. Click to download the TDC Consent Check-list

License Building Practioner checks

License Building Practioner checks

The LBP scheme is one of the changes in the Building Act to encourage better building design and construction. From 1 March 2012 critical building work that is known as Restricted Building Work, must be done by an LBP (Licensed Building Practitioner).

Search for a licensed building practitioner in your area to carry out or supervise work on homes. Restricted building work applies to foundations, framing, roofing and cladding.

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LBP / Skills Maintenance Folder for Builders

LBP / Skills Maintenance Folder for Builders

What is it for

  • Holds all LBP Skills Maintenance training materials for 2 year period – including space for 12 copies of ITM Building Business and any Certificates for attendance at ITM Trade Training events
  • Space on back to record activities and points over 2 year period (using a marker pen)
  • Designed to be stored in builders office
  • Durable and robust enough to be taken to building site for assessment

LBP Skills Maintenance Points Recording

  • The DBH have asked builders to keep evidence of skills maintenance, so builders are required to keep receipts or other evidence that shows what they did
  • Builders are expected to keep this evidence for a minimum of 2 years
  • For a carpentry licence builders will need to collect 24 points
  • 1 hour of skills maintenance equals 1 point
  • Builders can gain 1 point by reading ITM Building Business – just by subscribing and reading ITM Building Business builders can gain half of what they require to maintain their licenses
  • Folders available from your ITM Store or Trade Rep
MiTek Structural Fixings on-site Guide - For Building Code Compliance 2012 edition

MiTek Structural Fixings on-site Guide - For Building Code Compliance 2012 edition

MiTek have updated their on-site installation guide for fixing Timber Connectors, nail plates and Structural Brackets within the Building Code approved documents B1 Structure and B2 Durability.

The guide is the latest in a series which offers concise technical detail for fixing timber frames and trusses generally in accordance with NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings.

Builders may request their personal handy A5 copy from the MiTek web site or from their ITM Building Centre.

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PROLAM Builders Guide to specs and spans

PROLAM Builders Guide to specs and spans

Prowood® has developed the Prolam range of Glulam to fill a market need. By producing and stocking a range of preset sizes and lengths means architects/designers and builders can specify with confidence of quick lead times. All Prolam beams are precambered for higher spanning capabilities.

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Paving Design & Calculator

Paving Design & Calculator

Suppliers of Firth Paving have developed a great tool for calculating and planning your paving and landscaping projects.  ITM stock and can supply or your paving needs from any of our 5 stores.

Paving Calculator Online  Paving Planner Online